This past week in Cape Town has been a rather damp affair, with icy winds, plenty of rain, and virtually no incentives to head outdoors. With even more rain forecast, now is the time to plan your perfect indoor weekend!

Cuddling with kitty. By Not So Much (Flickr)

  1. Blankets

I’m a sucker for fluffy blankets in all shapes, sizes, and colours and I cannot resist stroking them in the shops. Ensure you’ve got a comfortable, cosy one that you can keep in the bedroom or cuddle under on the couch – be it with a partner or pet.

A delicious bowl of butternut soup. By Mambo'Dan (Flickr)

  1. Healthy Foods

When the weather gets cold our metabolisms crave carbohydrates and rich, creamy foods –  which is bad news if you’re hungry and heading to the shops (I’m looking at you delicious Pick ‘n Pay lasagne!). Instead of buying store-bought foods and snacks, pick healthy options instead. Think of butternut soup (ignore the impulse to add cream), chicken soup, hot chocolate sprinkled with cayenne pepper (sweet and spicy!), or bake some apples and sprinkle cinnamon on them in lieu of an apple pie. These choices are filling, nutritious, and always hits the spot.

Gaming fun. By derrickcollins (Flickr)

  1. Games Galore

A weekend filled with nothing but sleep sounds perfect, but you can’t nap all day. Ignore cleaning until Sunday and find something fun that you can play with your family or partner! Board games like 30 Seconds are great for groups of 4+; Cluedo and Monopoly can be played with a minimum of 2+; and there are tons of card games out there for groups of all sizes. If you’re a loner with a pet, spend some time grooming them and playing with them, to let Fluffy or Fido know how much you care.

Firefly and Serenity box set. By Manuel Martin (Flickr)

  1. Movies and Series

Wet weather is the perfect opportunity to catch up on shows you’ve missed or lost interest in. Have a movie marathon by watching all the movies released from a series like Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, or Shrek. If you don’t feel like movies, then grab that Firefly, Scrubs, or Grey’s Anatomy box set and keep your tissues close!

 A perfect bubble bath. By denisemattox (Flickr)

  1.  TLC

TLC time is just as important for your wellbeing as being a good friend, family member, or employee during the week. So ladies, break out the bubble bath, light some candles, and enjoy a soak. Deep condition your hair (winter always takes its toll), give yourself a facial (using honey and yoghurt or a store-bought masque), pluck those stray eyebrow hairs, and indulge in a glass of bubbly! Men, give those gnarly toe nails and facial hair a trim, try a pumice stone on your hardened heels, and let your partner give you a massage; you can of course return the favour!

There are so many great ideas for a perfect weekend indoors. Other options could be cooking a romantic meal with your significant other, finally fixing that annoying leak, cleaning out your bedroom clutter, or skyping with your overseas friends.

What would your ideal indoor weekend include?

Main image credited to porschelinn (Flickr)