As the weather cools down, food choices heat up with pastas, pizzas, chili dishes, and soups, taking the forefront of nutrition. We’ve gathered up two of the most popular choices for winter warmers that are distinctly South African in flavour.

1.Butternut and Banana soup – Serves 6

This blended soup, like South Africa, has roots from all four corners of the globe, giving it a unique rainbow-nation flavour. Unofficially, butternut is one of the most popular soups in South Africa, so enjoy this unique twist on an old classic.


1x diced medium-to-large butternut squash – pieces should be relatively small.
4x tbsp. butter (separated into 2 tbsp. and 2 tbsp.)
2x tbsp. brown sugar
2x tbsp. honey
1x banana
1x chopped onion
1x carrot(peeled and sliced)
1x garlic clove (sliced)
1x cup coconut milk
1x cup chicken stock (keep some extra stock aside to adjust thickness)

Herbs: these should all be ground spice, not whole spice.

1x tsp.curry powder
½ tsp. coriander seeds
¼ tsp. nutmeg
¼ tsp. cinnamon

1x cup cilantro leaves
1x lime (squeeze to taste)
Salt and pepper, to taste

Garnish: should you wish to add some interest on top of the soup consider garnishing with cilantro, cayenne pepper, croutons, or even pumpkin oil.

Fresh, organic ingredients make everything taste better. By elisasizzle (Flickr)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Merge 2 tbsp. melted butter with brown sugar and honey (it should dissolve easily). Mix this together with the butternut and place iton oven-friendly baking sheets to roast. Place the banana in with the butternut, but allow plenty of space on either side (ie: no touching).

3. Roast them in the preheated oven for around 20 minutes, or until your butternut caramelizes / is soft to the touch.

4. Melt the remaining 2 tbsp. butter in a saucepan and add the garlic. Add the onion and carrots and leave them in until they are soft. Add the herbs above, and let the mixture cook a while longer.

5. Remove the skin from the banana and slice it before adding it to the mixture in the saucepan. Note: the banana will be incredibly soft, so you can possibly skip slicing it and just mush it in. Add the butternut next, along with the coconut milk and stock. Simmer until hot then let it cool. You can now add the soup to a blender and beat it until it’s smooth. Don’t forget to strain it to remove any unwanted chunks – or leave them in if that’s more to your taste.

6. Add fresh cilantro, lime juice, pepper and salt to taste.  Add garnish at your discretion.

7. Serve at once or store away in the freezer to have later on in the month.

Credit for this recipe goes to Grant Cullingworth, the executive chef at Table Bay Hotel.

Blend your butternut and banana soup until creamy. By Joelk75 (Flickr)

2. Chicken and Peanut Soup – Serves 6

This dish is relatively easy to make, especially for those of us who aren’t 100% sure of our way around a kitchen.

1xcup of diced sweet potatoes
1x tbsp. butter
½cup onion (chopped)
½ cup red pepper (diced)
1x garlic clove (diced finely)
½ a jalapeño (diced)
2x cup chicken (pre-cooked chicken breast / thighs and chop finely once cooked)
250g black beans (drained)
½ cup creamy peanut butter

1x cup salsa(freshly made or bottled)
1/3 tsp ground cumin
3 ½ cups of chicken broth (pre mixed from stock)
3 cups vegetable juice or tomato juice

Garnish: crushed peanuts can be added on top once the soup is done, or else add some cayenne pepper or cream.

Soups served with a garnish always look fancy. By Pam loves pie (Flickr)

1. Place a large pot over a medium-high heat, adding the tablespoon of butter. Leave it until the butter has melted and starts spluttering.

2. Add the diced sweet potato, onion, red pepper, garlic, and jalapeño to the pot and sauté for around 5 minutes, or until the vegetables start changing colour.

3. Add the chicken, beans, and all the herbs to the pot.

4. Let the mixture boil for a few minutes before reducing the heat to a slow simmer.

5. Leave the ingredients to simmer for 10 minutes before adding the peanut butter. Stir this in with a whisk or fork until it has dissolved.

6. Let the mixture cook for a further 2 minutes before removing from heat. Ensure your sweet potatoes are tender, or replace and cook until they are soft.

7. Add some crushed peanuts to the top of the soup as a garnish if so desired before serving.

8. Serve straight away; or store in freezer-friendly container to enjoy later on in the month.

Recipe sourced from

Let us know what your favourite soup for winter is, (along with a link if you have a blog) and which of the above recipes you’re inclined to try.