Bokmakierie Gastehuis Emalahleni
Review Summary
Kyla D - Jan 2025
Overall rating
So comfortable and an excellent breakfast.
Bokmakierie Gastehuis Emalahleni 's response
Good morning Kyla
Thank you very much for your kind review. We truly appreciate you taking the time to share your positive experience with us. We're delighted to hear you enjoyed your stay and we look forward to welcoming you back again.
Best regards
Bokmakierie staff
Les M - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Heerlik gerus en lekker geslaap.
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Great rest and slept well.
Andre was the perfect host. Alta made us feel very much at home. Small problem sorted out quickly. Would definitely recommend, we wouldn't stay anywhere else either. The room is heavenly. See you again.
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Bokmakierie Gastehuis Emalahleni 's response
Goeie middag Les
Baie dankie vir jou bespreking by Bokmakierierie Gastehuis. Ons waardeer jou terugvoering.
Mooi dag
Vivian B - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Lekker slaap by Bokmakierie Guesthouse Emalahleni .
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Sleep well at Bokmakierie Guesthouse Emalahleni.
Very neat. Everything you would expect from a 4 star.
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Bokmakierie Gastehuis Emalahleni 's response
Goeie more Vivian
Baie dankie vir jou verblyf hier by ons. Dis altyd 'n groot plesier om almal welkom en tuis te laat voel.
Vriendelike groete
Bokmakierie staff
Cecelia S - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Heerlik, rustig, bederf en veilig! Skoon en pragtig!
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Delicious, peaceful, pampered and safe! Clean and beautiful!
It was a fantastic experience as always - really clean, comfortable, luxurious and everything you need and more. Nati's food is excellent. The car is safe and it is a lovely peaceful quiet environment. Thank you and your team. See you again soon!
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Bokmakierie Gastehuis Emalahleni 's response
Goeie more Cecilia
Baie dankie vir die tyd wat jy gevat het om ons te review. Dit beteken baie vir ons.
Dit's 'n groot plesier, bly jy het 'n rustige kuiertjie by ons gehad.
Mooi dag verder.
Vriendelike groete
Bokmakierie span
Les M - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Definitely n gaan terug plek die.
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Definitely a go back place.
Delicious over will stay there every time from now on.
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Johan M - Oct 2023
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Wonderful reception, friendly people and fantastic follow-up. Neat, clean and well laid out. We really enjoyed our visit there.
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Bokmakierie Gastehuis Emalahleni 's response
Goeie Middag Johan
Baie dankie vir julle verblyf hier by Bokmakierie Gastehuis.
Julle is enige tyd weer welkom hier by ons.
Hoop om julle gou weer te verwelkom hier by ons.
Vriendelike Groete
Bokmakierie Span
Sonja C - May 2023
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Amazing guesthouse. The warm blanket had been a nice treat in the cold. Very nice view.
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Bokmakierie Gastehuis Emalahleni 's response
Goeiemiddag Sonja, baie dankie vir jou mooi terugvoering. Dis was 'n groot plesier om jou by ons te kon verwelkom. Hoop om jou gou weer te sien. Vriendelike Groete. Bokmakierie Staff
Michaela T - May 2022
Overall rating
A pleasant stay in a 'just like home' guesthouse.
Bokmakierie Gastehuis Emalahleni 's response
Dear Michaela, thank you so much for the nice compliments. It is our pleasure to make you feel at home. Hope to see you again. Alta and the Bokmakierie team.
Chris V - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Vriendelik, netjies, skoon.
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Friendly, neat, clean.
Bath towels somewhat on the small side.
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Bokmakierie Gastehuis Emalahleni 's response
Dankie Chris, vir jou bydrae om ons beter te maak. Die handoeke doen ons as ons deel vir die natuur. Soos jy reeds weet is 'n "bath sheet" geen probleem en kan met liefde met vooraf reeling voorsien word. Dankie weereens vir jou tyd. Alta en die Bokmakierie span.
Willem D - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Onaanvaarbaar weens vooraf bevestigde bespreking.
Read more
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Unacceptable due to pre-confirmed booking.
On arrival there we didn't see Room No. at all. 6 for which we had booked and which was then confirmed to us with a prior telephone call that Room No. 6's reservation everything is in order for us to stay there. The reason given by André why we cannot stay in the booked room is because there is already a foreign tourist in that Room No. 6 is. We were then in another Room No. 1 posted with the excuse that there are no other guests booked in the other rooms in the guest house and that we then have the entire guest house to ourselves. With the unhappiness about the room change, André then offered that we stay in Room No. 8 can go to a home that doesn't have a bath at all but does have a private entrance. Which we did not want to accept then because there is no bath in it because my wife would have liked to have a bath. Room No. 6 has a private entrance and also a bath and a shower and this is the reason why we booked the reservation for Room No. 6 then did and also then confirmed that that room's reservation was already in order for us by phone in advance and was also confirmed. Room No. 1 did also have a bath and a shower but there was no private entrance. At breakfast the next morning at the table with the explanation to the owner of the guest house about the accommodation conditions that were not according to the reservation, she also had the reason to tell André that we were staying in Room No. 1 has to go home because there is no one else in the guest house and also the reason because there is already an overseas tourist in Room No. 6 go home. So the owner also started to get rebellious and angry that morning at the breakfast table when I explained to her the reason why we checked in at Bokmakierie Gastehuis and to be able to go home there with the private entrance bath and shower from Room No. . 6 and not at another guest house. The owner then told me, very angry and unhappy and in a sarcastic way, that she would refund my accommodation money if that was the case. Which I did not want to accept the refund of the accommodation at all because we had already used the guest house's accommodation. At least the management could have informed us in advance that there will be a change in accommodation due to the reason that the planning and reservations of the rooms will not comply with the specific reservation and to meet a customer's request and personal requirements not be able to comply. No customer service means no guests.
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Bokmakierie Gastehuis Emalahleni 's response
Liewe Pastoor Willem, dankie dat u die tyd geneem het om van u te laat hoor op LekkerSlaap soos belowe. Ek het egter reeds met ontbyt u onverskoning gevra, n verduideliking van die situasie gegee en aangebied om u terug te betaal. Ter verduideliking weereens, 'n klient van Peru het vir 'n tydperk van 10 dae by ons bespreek en met sy aankoms het ons besef dat kamer 6 vir hom geskik sal wees omdat hy net +/- 4 ure per dag by die firma besig sou wees en die res die dag by die gastehuis. Ons het dus vir die Saterdag wat u bespreek het alle ander kamers uitgeboek sodat dit still en rustig sou wees en kamer 1 as alternatief vir u gehou want dit bied dieselfde as kamer 6. U versoek om die sleutel reeds vanaf 10 uur die oggend te ontvang is geeer en die feit dat u eers tussen 9 en 10 die aand sou inkom is ook in aanmerking geneem. Ek kon dus regtig nie n propleem met privaatheid voorsien nie. Weereens jammer en dankie vir die resensie. Soos dit seker duidelik gesien kan word uit ons ander resensies is tevrede kliente iets wat ons na aan die hart le en gee ons altyd waar moontlik ons bes. Het u ons gehelp met u skrywe. Ja, baie dankie. Hoop om weer van u en u metgesel te hoor. Vriendelike groete, Alta en die Bokmakierie span. Seen vir U.
Reza T - Mar 2021
Overall rating
Heerlike ontbyt. Rustig area. Vriendelik personeel.
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Delicious breakfast. Quiet area. Friendly staff.
Thank you to everyone at Bokmakierie for your hospitality.
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Bokmakierie Gastehuis Emalahleni 's response
Liewe Reza, baie dankie. So bly julle het dit geniet. Die plesier is ons s'n. Alta en die Bokmakierie span.
Anonymous G - Feb 2020
Overall rating
Skoon, netjies en vriendelik.
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Clean, tidy and friendly.
Good and friendly welcome. Rooms are well equipped, clean and tidy. Delicious breakfast and friendly and professional reception.
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Janine M - Aug 2020
Overall rating
Rustigheid, vriendelikheid en netheid.
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Tranquility, friendliness and cleanliness.
We enjoyed our visit very much. Everything was clean and tidy, but it also felt like home. The breakfast was amazing.
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Bokmakierie Gastehuis Emalahleni 's response
Goeie Middag
Baie dankie vir julle bespreking hier by ons. Dit is altyd so lekker om te hoor dat ons gaste hulle verblyf geniet het.
Baie dankie vir die ontbyd kompliment, ek sal boodskap aan hom oordra.
Mooi dag, hoop om julle gou weer te verwelkom.
Vriendelike Groete
Bokmakierie Staff
Sonja V - Jun 2018
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Our stay was very pleasant. The management went out of their way to help us! Would definitely recommend them!
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Charnelle V - Jun 2018
Overall rating
Het lekker gebly. Is netjies en baie vriendelike diens.
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Had a great stay. Neat and friendly service.
Bokmakiere Guest House is a very well equipped and neat guest house. Their service was excellent. The hostess and her staff are very friendly and helpful. Breakfast was delicious! Can definitely recommend them and will make use of them again for sure.
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Bokmakierie Gastehuis Emalahleni 's response
Goeie Middag Charnelle,
Baie dankie vir jou resensie. Dit is vir ons 'n groot voorreg om julle as ons gaste te kon bedien. Hoop om julle sommer gou weer hier by ons te verwelkom.
Jammer oor die boodskap onder nie seker of daar in outematiese terugvoering is op die sisteem nie.
Mooi dag vir julle
Groete Belinda
Danielle M - Feb 2017
Overall rating
Was baie gemaklik en lekker ontbyt geëet!
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Was very comfortable and breakfast was delicious!
This place is absolutely stunning with everything we needed. The breakfast was tops! Collins' service was hospitable and really great.
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Bokmakierie Gastehuis Emalahleni 's response
Dankie Danielle, dis vir ons 'n voorreg om ons kliënte tuis te laat voel.
Hoop om julle weer by ons te verwelkom.
Alta en die Bokmakierie span.
Marius V - Aug 2016
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Bokmakierie is a very well equipped and clean guest house. Their service was very good. Prepared breakfast food packages for us and was then even awake at 4 in the morning to give us the food packages and make sure everything was ok. Will use them again.
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Pieter J - Aug 2015
Overall rating
Baie vriendelik ontvang en sommer tuis laat voel!
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Very friendly welcome and made to feel at home!
Friendly, hospitable owner and good accommodation, well located and safe and can really recommend!
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- Free cancellation up to 1 week before your stay!
- Capacity: 40 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 20:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: 11 Mathew Street, Del Judor, Witbank, 1034, Mpumalanga