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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn

Review Summary

3.6 out of 5from 30 reviews for Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Value for money
Amanda W - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Amanda W
Large group

Baie goed, mense was baie behulpsaam, kroegman en die bestuur.

Dankie ons het lekker gekuier, diens waas baie goed.

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Very good, people were very helpful, bartender and management.

Thank you, we had a great time, the service was very good.

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Andre D - Dec 2021
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Value for money
Andre D
With spouse/partner

Nie wat ons verwag het nie.

Die plaas is pragtig en ons het dit baie geniet om die stap roetes te doen. Saterdag aand was egter 'n ontnugtering met baie harde musiek wat gespeel het in die kroeg tot 3 uur die volgende oggend, en toe dronk mense wat rond loop en swets tot na 4 uur.

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Not what we expected.

The farm is beautiful and we really enjoyed doing the hiking trails. However, Saturday night was a letdown with very loud music playing in the bar until 3am the next morning, and then people walking around drinking and sweating until after 4am.

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Lynsie P - Mar 2021
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Value for money
Lynsie P
Family with teenagers

Verskriklik, geen lopende water, geen toesluit en niks skoon gemaak nie, nie eens 'n ster werd nie.

Die blyplek het geen lopende water in gehad nie, jy moes 10 meter ver na gemeenskap badkamer toe loop, wat jy moet deel met ander mense wat daar bly in hierdie COVID-tyd. Die werkers het nie maskers gedra nie. Die badkamer vir die vroue het 2 toilette, 1 stort en 1 bad. Geen van die deure kan toesluit nie of het skuifslotte nie. Die voordeur van die vroue badkamer kan nie eens ordentlik toemaak nie. Toe ons daar aan kom het a vroue G-string in die badkamer gelê, toe ons Maandag ry, was dit steeds daar. Ons lakens was vuil en honderde dooie insekte het op my seun se bed gelê. Die breekgoed was vuil, ons het papierborde and koppies gaan koop. Hulle selfsorg-eenheid waar jy kos moet maak het bestaan uit 'n tweeplaatstofie en ketel. Daar was wel 'n yskas. Hulle het Vrydag toe ons daar aankom 3 Ricoffy-, 3 suiker- and 3 Cremora-sakkies gesit en dis al was ons vir die hele naweek gekry het. Ons plek was nie Saterdag of Sondag skoongemaak nie, trouens Sondag was daar niemand nie, hulle was toe. Saterdag was die badkamers skoongemaak, maar soos ek se die G-string was tot Maandag dat ons daar weg was steeds daar. Vrydagaand was daar 'n groot spinnekop in ons kamer, dit is nie 'n probleem nie, maar toe my kind vir Doom gaan vra was die bestuurderes se antwoord waaroor kla julle nou al weer. Sy was baie sarkasties. My seun moes die mans badkamer met ander mans wat daar gebly het deel en Sondagaand het die een toilet oorgeloop dat jy nie in die mans badkamer in kon kom nie. Hulle het toe maar die vroue badkamer gebruik. Maandagoggend het die opsigter gesê dat hulle of te veel toiletpapier gebruik of hulle het handdoekpapier in die toilet afgespoel. Hulle was almal volwasse mense. Ek het reeds genoem dat jy na die badkamer toe moet loop en in die nag is daar geen verligting op die paadjies na die badkamer toe nie. My seun het in Thabazimbi geboogskiet en ons moet al voor 7 in die oggend daar wees. Dit was donker as jy moet gaan bad en stort. Ook was daar geen She-bins in die vroue toilet nie, toe ek vir dit vra, bring hulle vir my hand sanitizer. Die enigste vriendelike gesig was die admindame en die barman. Ook was die terrein nie afgekamp nie, ons het Sondag gehoor toe ek en my dogter om die deel stap dat ons nie moet nie, want daar is luiperde. Ook het die in ganghek nie gewerk nie, en moes in- en uitklim om die hek oop te maak.

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Terrible, no running water, no lock and nothing cleaned, not even worth a star.

The accommodation had no running water in it, you had to walk 10 meters to the community bathroom, which you have to share with other people staying there in this COVID time. The workers did not wear masks. The women's bathroom has 2 toilets, 1 shower and 1 bath. None of the doors can lock or have sliding locks. The front door of the women's bathroom can't even close properly. When we got there a women's G-string was lying in the bathroom, when we drove up on Monday it was still there. Our sheets were dirty and hundreds of dead insects were lying on my son's bed. The crockery was dirty, we went to buy paper plates and cups. Their self-catering unit where you have to make food consists of a two-plate stove and kettle. There was a fridge. When we got there on Friday, they put 3 Ricoffy, 3 sugar and 3 Cremora bags and that's all we got for the whole weekend. Our place was not cleaned on Saturday or Sunday, in fact on Sunday no one was there, they were closed. On Saturday the bathrooms were cleaned, but as I said the G-string was still there until the Monday we were gone. Friday night there was a big spider in our room, it's not a problem, but when my child went to ask for Doom, the managers answer was what you are complaining about again. She was very sarcastic. My son had to share the men's bathroom with other men staying there and on Sunday night one toilet overflowed so you couldn't get into the men's bathroom. They then only used the women's bathroom. On Monday morning the janitor said that they were either using too much toilet paper or they were flushing towel paper down the toilet. They were all grown people. I already mentioned that you have to walk to the bathroom and at night there is no lighting on the paths to the bathroom. My son went archery in Thabazimbi and we have to be there before 7 in the morning. It was dark when you have to take a bath and shower. Also, there were no She-bins in the women's restroom, when I asked for it, they brought me hand sanitizer. The only friendly face was the admin lady and the bartender. Also, the site was not decamped, we heard on Sunday when my daughter and I walked around the part that we shouldn't, because there are leopards. Also, the in corridor gate did not work, and had to climb in and out to open the gate.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

More Lynsie, Ek het ondersoek ingestel op u klagtes hierbo en my staf was baie verbaas, want hulle verseker my dat hulle te alle tye vriendelik en behulpsaam was. Magda het haar dadelik van 'n blik Doom voorsien. U het die semi-selfcatering cabin geboek, wat duidelik aanwys dat die minimale kombuisie geriewe beskikbaar is en die gebruik van ablusie blok het, wat reg langs julle gestaan het. Die wasbak vir opwas geriewe vir u eenheid is ook teen die muur van die ablusie wat nie 1.5 meter weg is nie. Die ablusie is omtrent 3 meter weg van u af gewees. Julle was voorsien van 3 x koffie, 6 x suiker en 3 x cremoras volgens my staf want julle het net bespreek en betaal vir 3 mense, toe is julle eintlik 4. Ons het u nie extra gevra vir u dogter nie. Ongelukkig het ons nie beheer oor hoe mense die ablusieblok gebruik nie, maar dit was skoongemaak Saterdag, asook u verblyf. My huishouding maak elke dag en Saterdae skoon, maar soos ons besprekings doen laat ons wel al ons gaste weet dat ons toe is op 'n Sondag en dat daar geen dienste op 'n Sondag op die plaas is nie. Ons het 2 groot ligte van die ablusie blok asook al langs al die padjies en vind dit vreemd dat u se dat u in die donker was in die oggend. Die lakens was definitief nie vuil nie aangesien ons voor aankoms van gaste skoon beddegoed opsit en matrasse word gesanitiseer en in die son gelos. Goggas sal maar oral in die bos wees en is ongelukkig buite ons beheer. Breekgoed word ook gewas voor aankoms maar omdat u die semi-selfcatering het, is die kombuisie op die voorstoep en met die bos sal dit dalk bietjie vol stof gewees het. Ons is baie jammer oor die ongerief wat u ervaar het, maar sou wel voorgestel het dat u eerder 'n self-catering chalet geboek het as ons van u probleme geweet het. Volgens my staf was u baie vriendelik met hulle en hulle met u en het u geen klagtes gehad terwyl u hier was nie, ons vind dit nou baie vreemd dat u soveel klagtes het oor Thaba'Nkwe en staf. Ons is op 'n plaas en probeer almal tevrede stel en doen ons uiterste met Covid om alles te sanitiseer en alle chalets, cabins word ordentlik skoongemaak voor gaste se aankoms. Ek was ongelukkig nie die naweek op die plaas nie en is baie jammer oor u ongelukkigheid.


Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Vanessa N - Aug 2019
Overall rating
Value for money
Vanessa N
Individual traveler

Great place.

Great place for a night.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Morning Vanessa,

Many thanks for your feedback. We are always happy to receive good comments and strive to better our accommodation on a daily basis. So happy you enjoyed your stay and hope we see you soon!


Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Russell B - Jul 2019
Overall rating
Value for money
Russell B
With spouse/partner


Ons arriveer Saterdag middag om en by 16H00 daar om in te check. Die dame dring daarop aan dat ons 'n breakage deposito moet betaal in kontant. My reaksie: Nee dit is nie soos per die webtuiste bespreking gereël nie, dra ook nie kontant by my nie. Sy sê toe dat ek dit kan betaal per kaart, (ek weier). Hulle aanvaar dit toe so. Voor die tyd ontvang ek 'n e-pos van hulle dat hulle my nie 'n eenheid kan gee wat drie volwassenes slaap nie. Maar hulle sal 'n enkel eenheid aan my voorsien ten addisionele bedrag van R300.00 vir die nag. Ek vra hulle toe om die bespreking aan te pas by die webtuiste. Hulle het dit nie gedoen nie. Met aankoms versoek hulle die R300 wat ek betaal het. Nadat ek dan vir die extra kamer betaal het, neem hulle ons toe na die kamers toe en voorsien ons van "key en padlock". Ek wys die dame toe daarop dat die hout eenhede (niks Anders as 'n Wendy house ) dan openinge het. Tussen die houtpanele en dat ons gaan koud kry. Sy reageer toe en se dat die kamers lekker warm is. Ons moes dit toe aanvaar aangesien ons geen ander heenkome vir die nag gehad het nie. Ons gaan toe na 'n funksie in Thabazimbi en keer weer terug die aand om en by 20H00. Dis winter, dis koud, jy moet braaf wees om in so plek te slaap! Een laken en kombers met 'n baie dun outydse oortreksel! Die kamer is net groot genoeg vir 'n dubbel bed, geen stoel om op te sit nie, absoluut slegter as enige van my bediendes se woonkwartiere. Die wind waai reg deur die gleuwe in die hout panele. Die enkelkamer wat hulle ook aan ons voorsien het was dieselfde (maar het twee enkelbeddens ingehad. Teen 10 uur is ons in die bed, net aan die slaap geraak toe kom daar 'n spul mense by ons ingang verby wat geraas het in 'n taal wat geen mens kan verstaan nie. Ons is toe dadelik wakker, ek het op gegaan na die restaurant area en gevra vir 'n koffie. (wat pateties was) terloops R20 vir 'n swart koppie koffie. Ek het terug gekeer na my kamer toe en probeer slaap. Teen 4:30 die oggend het ek opgestaan en in my voertuig gaan sit met die verwarmer aan (dis hoe koud dit was). Ek, my vrou en my seun is as gevolg van dit vrot van verkoue. Die badkamers wat gedeel word met ander (ablusieblok) is sowat 20-30 m van die kamers af geleë, gordyne voor die storte, en absoluut onaanvaarbaar. Ook geen handdoeke beskikbaar nie. Ons het ongeveer 7 uur die oggend vertrek, verkluim en hoogs de duiwel in. Opsomming: Dit weerspieël absoluut 'n slegte invloed op die webtuiste wat so 'n organisasie bemark, en laat veel te wense oor m.b.t. die instansie self. Sal hoogstens geen persoon soontoe aanbeveel nie. Die host is baie onprofessioneel. Indien nodig, het ek foto's van die kamer geneem, die openinge in die hout en die "boemelaars" kamers binne-in. Ek verstaan heeltemal hulle konsep, maar hulle moet dit meer duidelik maak, die ablusie-eenhede beklemtoon, en foto's daarvan op hulle beskrywing omskryf. Dit kan dalk ideaal wees vir 'n backpacker, of iemand wat nie sy eie tent kan bekostig nie.

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We arrive there on Saturday afternoon around 16H00 to check in. The lady insists that we pay a breakage deposit in cash. My response: No it is not arranged as per the website reservation, nor do I carry cash with me. She then said that I could pay it by card, (I refuse). They then accept it as such. Before the time I receive an email from them that they cannot give me a unit that sleeps three adults. But they will provide me with a single unit at an additional amount of R300.00 for the night. I then ask them to adapt the discussion to the website. They didn't do it. On arrival they request the R300 which I paid. After I paid for the extra room, they then took us to the rooms and provided us with "key and padlock". I then pointed out to the lady that the wooden units (nothing different than a Wendy house) then have openings. Between the wooden panels and that we are going to get cold. She then responded and said that the rooms were nice and warm. We then had to accept it as we had no other place to stay for the night. We then go to a function in Thabazimbi and return again in the evening around 20H00. It's winter, it's cold, you have to be brave to sleep in such a place! One sheet and blanket with a very thin old fashioned cover! The room is just big enough for a double bed, no chair to sit on, absolutely worse than any of my servants living quarters. The wind blows right through the slots in the wooden panels. The single room they also provided us with was the same (but had two single beds in it. By 10 o'clock we were in bed, just falling asleep when a bunch of people passed by our entrance making noise in a language which no one can understand. We then immediately woke up, I went up to the restaurant area and asked for a coffee. (which was pathetic) by the way R20 for a black cup of coffee. I returned to my room and trying to sleep. By 4:30 in the morning I got up and sat in my vehicle with the heater on (that's how cold it was). Me, my wife and my son are rotten with colds as a result. The bathrooms that shared with others (ablution block) is located about 20-30 m from the rooms, curtains in front of the showers, and absolutely unacceptable. Also no towels available. We left at about 7 in the morning, cold and in high spirits. Summary: This absolutely reflects a bad influence on the website that markets such an organization, and leaves much to be desired regarding the institution itself. Would not recommend any person there at most. The host is very unprofessional. If necessary, I took photos of the room, the openings in the wood and the "bum" rooms inside. I completely understand their concept, but they need to make it more clear, emphasize the ablution units, and describe pictures of them on their description. It might be ideal for a backpacker, or someone who can't afford his own tent.

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MC Ingenieurswerke P - Jun 2019
Overall rating
Value for money
MC Ingenieurswerke P
With spouse/partner

Te duur vir wat jy kry.

Ontvangs sit en rook waar jy betaal, ook sommer by die kroeg. Ek het opgradeer met die eenheid want daar was net plek vir die bed. Geen dienste of restaurant oop op Sondag.

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Too expensive for what you get.

Reception sits and smokes where you pay, even just at the bar. I upgraded with the unit because there was only room for the bed. No services or restaurant open on Sunday.

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Madeleine N - May 2019
Overall rating
Value for money
Madeleine N
Family with young children

Dit was ongelukkig nie 'n positiewe ervaring nie.

Die badkamer het 'n gordyn vir 'n deur. Daar was kragonderbreking en sommige eenhede het nie krag gehad nie. Geen handdoeke en beddegoed was van swak kwaliteit. Die koste van die akkommodasie regverdig nie die kwaliteit van verblyf nie.

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Unfortunately, it was not a positive experience.

The bathroom has a curtain for a door. There was a power outage and some units didn't have power. No towels and bedding were of poor quality. The cost of accommodation does not justify the quality of accommodation.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

More Madeleine,

Ons is baie jammer dat u voel dat ons akkommodasie regverdig nie ons tariewe nie. Ons is 'n bosveld plaas met een van die goedkoper verblyf in Thabazimbi en probeer om te alle tye dit so gerieflik as moontlik te maak vir ons gaste en het altyd 'n oopdeur polis vir enige klagtes vanaf ons gaste.

Al ons selfsorg eenhede is met nuwe beddegoed 'n maand terug voorsien en handdoeke is op aanvraag beskikbaar by ontvangs. Al ons gaste word egter versoek om eie handdoeke saam te bring aangesien dit 'n item is wat gereeld vervang moet word. Die spasie tussen die kamer en badkamer is redelik beperk vir 'n deur daarom hang ons 'n gordyne vir semi-privaatheid tussen hoofslaapkamer en badkamer.
Die rede vir die kragonderbrekings was 'n los draad wat ons gekry het in een van die krag bokse en dit was onmiddelik herstel. Ons vra hartelik onverskoning daarvoor.
Ons streef elke dag om te verbeter en almal te akkommodeer na die beste van ons vermoe. Ons waardeer u se terugvoering en sal ons beste doen om in die toekoms te verbeter daarop.


Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Vernon T - May 2019
Overall rating
Value for money
Vernon T
On business

Idiaale verblyf vir besigheid, naby aan besigheidsarea.

Naby dorp geleë, dus ideaal vir besigheidsmense.

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Ideal accommodation for business, close the business area.

Located close to town, ideal for business people.

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Karen Z - May 2019
Overall rating
Value for money
Karen Z
Family with teenagers

The accommodation type I thought I was booking and what I got when I arrived was completely different, it needs to be clearer on the booking form.

I stayed here last year and was satisfied. When I booked this time for my son and I, I thought I was booking into a similar unit. When we arrived we were shown a room with a bed and a fridge, nothing else. For a mom and a teenage son this is unacceptable and for the rate per night it's completely over priced. They found something slightly better, but still not worth the money we paid.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Good Day Karen, Thank you for your feedback and have noted same. However in our defence, we have checked your original booking and it was clearly a cabin that you booked and clicked on and rates are at R700 for 2 people for cabins. Our website clearly states that cabins have a small bar fridge and coffee station as well as a private braai in front of them and shared ablutions. Our chalets however is self catering and has a kitchenette, lounge with DSTV bedroom/s and en suite bathroom (shower only), and private braai on patio, which also explains this on our website and for 2 pax it is R1300 per night. We do not know when guests book a cabin/chalet who the people are and how they are connected i.e. mother and son unless a message is sent with a booking, specifying specific needs. We sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding and tried to accommodate you when you arrived as you noted we were fully booked and we tried our best to accommodate you according to your needs without charging you anything extra.

Trust this explains better for future reference.


Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Theuns H - Apr 2019
Overall rating
Value for money
Theuns H
Individual traveler

Lekker wegbreek om te rus.

Die plek is baie netjies en goed versorg van wat ek kon sien. Geriewe was naby die blyplekke en diens was goed. Die ablusieblok was mooi skoon en maklik bereikbaar, ek sou net verkies dat daar lopende water in my blyplek is in plaas van om ablusieblok toe te moet loop.

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Nice getaway to rest.

The place is very neat and well cared for from what I could see. Facilities were close to the accommodation and service was good. The ablution block was beautifully clean and easily accessible, I would just prefer running water in my accommodation instead of having to walk to the ablution block.

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Jannie E - Jan 2019
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Value for money
Jannie E
With friends

Heerlike bosveld-verblyf met goeie kos en vriendelike ontvangs/personeel!

Baie mooi bestemming en omgewing om heerlike bosveld-ervaring te geniet.

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Lovely bushveld accommodation with good food and friendly reception/staff.

Very nice location and environment to enjoy a lovely bushveld experience.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Beste Jannie,

Baie dankie vir julle wonderlike terugvoer, ons is so bly julle het dit geniet en hoop om julle gou weer te ontvang hier by Thaba'Nkwe.

Vriendelike groete,

Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Claudia P - Oct 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Claudia P
Family with teenagers

Not a bad stay, but also not the best.

The only problem with this accommodation is that the bathroom in our unit were very small and there were no air-cons.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Good day Claudia. Thank you for your feedback it is really appreciated. Perhaps the central shared showers would have suited you better. The upgrade we offered was a gesture in good faith to offer more privacy as the cabins were fully booked and ablutions very busy. Thank you and regards, Nikki

Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Andre V - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Andre V
On business


Geen braai-gereedskap soos 'n braaitang nie. Die braaier is net groot genoeg om 2 tjops op te braai. Beligting in die chalet is swak, geen sepies of sjampoe nie, moes my wyn uit 'n koeldrankglas drink. Van die gordyne is geskeur en so kan ek aan gaan. Sal glad nie die plek aanbeveel aan enige iemand nie. Het 2 weke terug by 'n ander plek in Dinokeng geslaap vir die selfde prys per persoon en dit is soos sewe ster teenoor Thaba Nkwe.

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No grilling tools like tongs. The grill is just big enough to grill 2 chops. Lighting in the chalet is poor, no soaps or shampoo, had to drink my wine from a soda glass. Some of the curtains are torn and so I can go on. Would not recommend the place to anyone at all. Slept at another place in Dinokeng 2 weeks back for the same price per person and it's like seven star compared to Thaba Nkwe.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Beste Andre,

Dankie vir jou terugvoer.

Thabe Nkwe is onder nuwe bestuur en ons gaan uit ons pad om verbeteringe aan te bring. Die braaiers voor die chalets is kleiner as 'n gewone braai. Die rede daarvoor is dat ons cabins en chalets tussen 2 en 4 mense slaap. Die 4-bed chalets het bietjie groter braaiers en daar is definitief nou braaitange in al ons chalets.

Gordyne en beddegoed is reeds in baie van die chalets vervang.

Vertrou jy gaan ons weer besoek om die verbeteringe te ervaar.


Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Arend K - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Arend K
With friends

Baie mooi plek, bekostigbare slaapplek en 'n baie lekker restaurant en kroeg!

Ek sal Thaba Nkwe Inn vir enige iemand aanbeveel. Baie goeie ligging, nie te ver buite Thabazimbi nie. Baie mooi swembad, lekker braaiplekke en hulle restaurant bedien lekker kos. Om op te te som: dis veilige, netjiese, bekostigbare blyplek op 'n baie mooi plaas.

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Very nice place, affordable place to sleep and a very nice restaurant and bar!

I would recommend Thaba Nkwe Inn to anyone. Very good location, not too far outside Thabazimbi. Very nice swimming pool, nice braai places and their restaurant serves good food. To summarize: it's a safe, tidy, affordable place to stay on a very nice farm.

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Johan H - Jul 2018
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Johan H
With friends

Baie vriendelike ontvangs.

Baie vriendelike diens. Die enigste wat my gepla het is dat daar nie en-suite badkamer was nie.

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Very friendly welcome.

Very friendly service. The only thing that bothered me was that there wasn't an en-suite bathroom.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Goeiedag Johan,

Dankie vir u terugvoer, dit word baie waardeer.

Die hutte is basiese eenhede en werk goed vir rugsakreisigers of gaste wat op soek is na bekostigbare akkommodasie. Ons stel voor om volgende keer een van ons en-suite chalets te bespreek.

Dit was lekker om jou te ontmoet en ons hoop om u weer in die toekoms te verwelkom.

Vriendelike groete,
Nikki en span

Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Stella L - May 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Stella L
With spouse/partner

Rustig en skoon.

Die ideale naweekwegbreek vir familie en vriende om te kan kamp, stap, bergfiets, omgewing te besigtig of net rustigheid te wil hê. Verblyf was baie skoon en staf baie vriendelik, maar as jy luuksheid verwag is dit nie die plek nie. Dit is net die nodigste vir 'n wegbreek. Vir so vinnige wegbreek sal ons weer sooontoe gaan.

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Quiet and clean.

The ideal weekend getaway for family and friends to be able to camp, hike, mountain bike, see the surroundings or just want some peace and quiet. Accommodation was very clean and staff very friendly, but if you expect luxury this is not the place. It's just the essentials for a getaway. For such a quick getaway we would go there again.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Goeie dag Stella
Dankie vir jou positiewe terugvoer. Dit was lekker om jou te ontmoet en ons hoop om u weer in die toekoms te verwelkom.
Vriendelike groete
Nikki en span

Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Vivien D - May 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Vivien D
Individual traveler

Eenvoudige maar skoon verblyf.

Eenvoudige maar skoon verblyf. Neem kennis dat eie handdoeke geneem moet word en dat ablusieblokke gedeel word.

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Simple but clean accommodation.

Simple but clean accommodation. Please note you should bring your own towels and ablutions are shared.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Goeie dag Vivien
Dankie vir u terugvoer, dit word baie waardeer. Die hutte is basiese eenhede en werk goed vir backpackers of gaste wat op soek is na bekostigbare akkommodasie. Miskien sal jy die volgende keer 1 van ons en-suite chalets bespreek. Dit was lekker om jou te ontmoet en ons hoop om u weer in die toekoms te verwelkom.
Vriendelike groete
Nikki en span

Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Pierre H - May 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Pierre H
Family with teenagers

Goeie waarde vir geld.

Dit was die tweede keer, weereens was dit die prys werd. Ons het lekker ontspan.

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Good value for money.

This was the second time, again it was worth the price. We had a great time relaxing.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Geagte Pierre,
Dit was 'n plesier om u weer welkom en dankie vir jou kommentaar.
Vriendelike groete,
Nikki en span

Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Luzette V - May 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Luzette V
With friends

Was baie aangenaam.

Het oornag verblyf benodig en was heeltemal voldoende.

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Was very pleasant.

Needed overnight accommodation and was perfectly adequate.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Geagte Luzette,
Dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om positiewe terugvoer te stuur.
Dit is opreg waardeer.
Vriendelike groete,
Nikki en Span

Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Sanet M - May 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Sanet M
With spouse/partner

Baie swak en nie voldoen aan ons behoefte nie.

Dit is skokkend wat hulle vra per persoon per nag en as jy daar kom kry jy 'n skok van jou lewe. Dis so onregverdig dat 'n mens nie jou geld kan terug kry as jy met so iets te doen kry nie. Ons het 2 dae voor die tyd vertrek.

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Very poor and does not meet our need.

It's shocking what they charge per person per night and when you get there you get the shock of your life. It's so unfair that you can't get your money back if you have to deal with something like this. We left 2 days early.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Goeie dag Sanet
Ons waardeer u om die tyd te neem om u gedagtes te verskaf. Ons erken dat jy oorspronklik 'n enkel-kamer-kajuit met gedeelde ablusies wou bespreek en vra om verskoning dat hierdie eenhede reeds vir die 4 dae lange naweek vol bespreek is. Die verblyf wat u gekies het, was 'n opgradering na 'n delux-eenheid met braai- en selfsorggeriewe, stort-en-suite, DStv en 2 dubbelbeddens. Mag ons volgende keer stel dat u enige besorgdheid het, raadpleeg Travel Ground of die Instelling se terugbetalings of vroeë uittreksels. Nikki

Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Marius V - May 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Marius V
Family with young children

Baie lekker.

Hulle kan gerus hout verskaf veral vir die eerste aand, kan ook oorweeg om staproetes behoorlik te merk en aan te beveel.

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Very nice.

They can provide wood especially for the first night, can also consider properly marking and recommending walking routes.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Goeie dag Marius
Ons waardeer u om die tyd te neem om terugvoering te gee. Dit word baie waardeer en u punte word opgemerk.
Ons het wel 'n geskrewe roete by die onthaal en ons beweer dat u dit nie vir u genoem het nie, aangesien dit 'n fantastiese staptog vir alle ouderdomme en fiksheidsvlakke is.
Vriendelike groete

Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Hennie E - Jul 2017
Overall rating
Value for money
Hennie E
Family with teenagers

Die verblyf was presies wat ons in gedagte gehad het na 'n rowwe dag by die Thabazimbi Brahmanskou.

Sal definitief terug kom na die rustigheid. Perfekte plekkie.

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The accommodation was exactly what we had in mind after a rough day at the Thabazimbi Brahman Show.

Will definitely come back to the tranquility. Perfect spot.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Baie dankie,
Ons is bly julle het 'n goeie ervaring by ons gehad.
Hoop ons sien julle gou weer.

Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Cornel D - Jul 2017
Overall rating
Value for money
Cornel D
With spouse/partner

Goeie verblyf wat goed geleë is.

Ons het slaapplek benodig nadat ons 'n troue in die nabyheid bygewoon het. Thaba 'Nkwe was perfek geleë hiervoor. Die verblyf was netjies, en dit is altyd lekker om die natuur op jou voorstoep te hê. Die staf is vriendelik en baie behulpsaam. Dankie vir die lekker verblyf!

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Good accommodation that is well located.

We needed accommodation after attending a wedding nearby. Thaba 'Nkwe was perfectly situated for this. The accommodation was neat, and it's always nice to have nature on your doorstep. The staff is friendly and very helpful. Thank you for the nice stay!

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Hallo Cornell dankie, dit was lekker om jou hier te hê, hoop om jou gou te sien.

Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Bossie P - Jun 2017
Overall rating
Value for money
Bossie P
On business

Baie mooi plekkie en geweldige gasvrye lodge staf!

Baie lekker lodge vir 'n dag of twee se sakereis. Die lodge staf is besonders hulpvaardig en vriendelik. Die aandete en ontbyt was uit die boonste rakke!

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Such a bautiful place and the staff knows the meaning of hospitality!

Very nice lodge if you're on a business trip of a day or two. Very helpful staff and friendly. Dinner and breakfast was delicious.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Geagte Bossie
Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer.
Dit was 'n plesier om jou en jou kollege te ontmoet,
hoop om julle binnekort weer te sien.
Baie dankie en vriendlike groete, Die Thaba 'Nkwe span

Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Freddie V - Dec 2016
Overall rating
Value for money
Freddie V
Family with young children

Warm, onnet en raserig

Ek het meer verwag vir die prys. Die kamers, alhoewel goed uitgelê, was nie netjies en skoon nie. Stof en spinnerakke. Ook duidelik baie lanklaas die grasdak ge-"fumigate". Geen lugversorger, wat snaaks is vir area en prys. Langs ons was groep geraas makers wat musiek so hard speel dat jou tande bewe. Ons het vir meer as halfuur gesukkel om bestuur in die hande te kry, wat hulle toe uiteindelik 1:30 die oggend gaan stilmaak het. En toe begin dit weer 7:00. Ons het na een aand uitgeboek (2 aande bespreek) en in 'n ander gastehuis ingeboek, waar ons vir R40 meer heerlike lugversorging, skoon, netjies kamers, wonderlike uitsig en boonop ontbyt gekry het.

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Warm, untidy and noisy.

I expected more for the price. The rooms, even though the layout was nice, were not neat and clean. Dust and spider webs. It also clearly hasn't been fumigated in a long time. No air-conditioner which was unusual for the area and the price. Next to us were a noisy group of people who were playing music so loud it made your teeth rattle. We struggled for more than half an hour to get a hold of the management who eventually asked the group to quiet down at 1:30 in the morning. And then it started again at 7:00. We checked out after one night (booked for 2 nights) and went to another guest house where we (for R40 more) got lovely air-conditioning, clean, neat rooms, wonderful view, and even got breakfast.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Dear Freddie and family,
Thank you for your feedback, it is greatly appreciated. We have a very strict noise policy at the lodge and chalets and the group that were responsible for disturbing the guests that night/early morning were dealt with severely. Whilst we service our thatched chalets every day, being in the bushveld, unfortunately has it's problems with unwelcome visitors of the insect variety. The chalets are rustic and we appreciate that they are not for everyone. We are happy, however, that you had a pleasant stay in a guesthouse where the environment was more suitable for you. We trust you may re-visit Thabazimbi on another occasion as it is a fantastic place to have a holiday!
Many thanks and warm regards,

Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Melissa L - Nov 2016
Overall rating
Value for money
Melissa L
Family with young children

Baie rustig en 'n bosatmosfeer

As jy wil rus en nie een is vir baie mense nie, is dié plek vir jou, maar sou jy iets besiger soek met baie aktiwiteite vir die kinders sou ek dalk iets anders aanbeveel. Maar overall was dit presies wat ons ingedagte gehad het omdat ons vroeg die volgende oggend na Marikele kon gaan en so ook na die Leeupark.

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Very peaceful with a bush atmosphere.

If you want to rest and don't like crowds, then this is the place for you. If you're looking for a busier place with lots of activities for children, I would recommend something else. But overall it was exactly what we had in mind because we could go to Marikele early the next morning and also visit the lion park.

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Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn 's response

Dear Melissa
Thank you for your feedback. It is much appreciated.
It was lovely to meet you.
KInd regards,
The Thabankwe Team

Thaba Nkwe Bush Veld Inn
Frikkie L - Mar 2016
Overall rating
Value for money
Frikkie L

Goeie waarde vir geld.

Ons het lekker naweek gehad. Daar is verskillende kamers met verskillende bed opsies. As jy bespreek, spesifiseer net of jy enkelbeddens of dubbelbeddens versoek, omdat die foto enkelbeddens wys saam met dubbelbed. Ons het twee dubbelbeddens gekry.

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Good value for money.

We had a nice weekend. There are different rooms with different bed options. When booking, just specify whether you request single beds or double beds, as the photo shows single beds with a double bed. We got two double beds.

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Marlene S - Aug 2014
Overall rating
Value for money
Marlene S
With spouse/partner


Netjies en skoon eenhede. Die kos van die restaurant was heerlik! Al nadeel is die harde musiek van die kroeg in die aand.

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Neat and clean units. The food from the restaurant was delicious! Only downside is the loud music from the bar in the evening.

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Talita & Waylon B - Jun 2014
Overall rating
Value for money
Talita & Waylon B
Family with young children

Het dit geniet, baie dankie!

Dit was wonderlik, dankie.

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Enjoyed it, thank you very much!

It was great, thank you.

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Daleen V - Mar 2014
Overall rating
Value for money
Daleen V
With spouse/partner

Ongelooflike gasvryheid en definitief 'n plek wat ek weer sal besoek. Lekker kos!

Sal die plek definitief aan vriende en familie aanbeveel.

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Amazing hospitality and definitely a place I will visit again. Nice food!

Will definitely recommend the place to friends and family.

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From R750
R750 R563
per night, for 2 ppl
From R750
R750 R563
per night, for 2 ppl
From R750
R750 R563
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Free cancellation up to 1 week before your stay!
  • Capacity: 171 people
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 21:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 5km from Thabazimbi on R510 Lephalale road, Thabazimbi, 0380, Limpopo
  • All ages welcome,format,compress&q=80 was R750 nowFrom R563 per night, for 2 ppl 30 5 1 4 5km from Thabazimbi on R510 Lephalale road Thabazimbi 0380 Limpopo 021 201 8900 14:00-21:00 10:00 -24.546205815078 27.394414544106