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Dana Baai Huis

Self Catering

Review Summary

4 out of 5from 2 reviews for Dana Baai Huis
Value for money
Lezelle V - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Lezelle V
With spouse/partner

Uitsig vanaf eetkamer/sitkamer asemrowend. Baie naby strand geleë. Stil straat. Alles was baie mooi en skoon. Maar. Boonste en onderste deel van huis deel een ingang wat ongemaklik is.

Onderste hoofslaapkamer-ingang is oorkant gedeelde (bo en onder) ingang en apart van res van onderste deel van huis. Die uitsig is wel pragtig en kamer is baie groot met moderne badkamers. Baie, baie ongemaklik om by res van onderste deel van huis uit te kom. Kombuis is in 2 gedeel en altwee loop direk in badkamers in. Die uitsig vanaf sitkamer/eetkamer is asemrowend en die feit dat dit naby die strand is, is 'n wenner. Pragtige, stil straat. Maar die uitleg van onderste deel is uiters swak beplan en was 'n nagmerrie vir ons gewees. Die ingang na die huis word gedeel met boonste familie en hulle (bo) het geen deur nie (net traliehek) so daar is geen privaatheid nie en dis uiters ongemaklik veral die feit dat die onderste hoofslaapkamer se deur oorkant die ingang is. So jy moet eers uit jou kamer loer of iemand op die trappe is en dan gou oorgaan na die onderste deel oorkant die gang. As jy klein kinders het sal hul nie by hul ouers kan uitkom nie. Hoofslaapkamer is wel baie groot en het 'n baie mooi uitsig met 'n moderne badkamer. Die middelste kamer (wat vir seker die eetkamer was wat 'n bed gekry het) gee toegang tot die kombuis en met volwasse familie in die middelkamer moet jy wag tot hulle opstaan om koffie te maak. Die kombuis was 'n nagmerrie, dis in 2 gedeel en voldoende maar altwee dele loop in 2 badkamers in. As ek kosmaak op die stoof kan ek terugtreë en die toilet trek. In die tweede deel kan ek skottelgoed in die wasbak pak, terugtreë en die toilet trek. Dit was ongelooflik, bitterlik sleg. Die braai/klein put kan alleenlik bereik word deur die 3de kamer. So jy moet heeltyd deur die kamer loop braai toe en terug en as jy eetkamertafel toe wil gaan moet jy deur 2 kamers stap om by die eetkamertafel uit te kom. Middelste "kamer" was seker die eetkamer en werk nie met volwasse kinders nie. Geen privaatheid nie. Daar was gesê 3 kamers en ek het herhaaldelik gevra is daar 3 kamers omdat ek volwasse kinders het wat hou van hul privaatheid en selfs die eienaar het gesê ja. Maar daar is eintlik net 2 kamers. 1 kamer apart van onderste deel oorkant die gang en 1 kamer heel agter, want die middelste een is eintlik die eetkamer en het absoluut geen privaatheid nie. Vir die prys wat ons betaal het was dit glad nie die moeite werd nie. As ons geweet het die uitleg - kombuis, badkamers, middelkamer, braai, (eintlik net 'n klein put), hoofslaapkamer apart, sou ons dit nooit gevat het nie en nie soveel geld betaal het nie. Foto's is soos op web geadverteer gewees, ja, maar dit is bitterlik bedrieglik geneem, want ons het vir 3 kamers gevra juis oor privaatheid en die middelste kamer/eetkamer het geen privaatheid nie. Jy moet deur die kamer stap om by kombuis of braai uit te kom. Baie ongelukkig gewees met huis. Uitsig en naby strand was wel fantasties gewees.

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View from dining room/living room breathtaking. Located very close to the beach. Quiet street. Everything was very nice and clean. But. Upper and lower part of house share one entrance which is awkward.

Lower master bedroom entrance is opposite shared (upstairs and downstairs) entrance and separate from rest of lower part of house. The view is indeed beautiful and the room is very large with modern bathrooms. Very, very awkward to get to rest of lower part of house. Kitchen is divided into 2 and both lead directly into bathrooms. The view from the living room/dining room is breathtaking and the fact that it is close to the beach is a winner. Beautiful, quiet street. But the layout of the lower part was extremely poorly planned and had been a nightmare for us. The entrance to the house is shared with upper family and they (above) have no door (just lattice gate) so there is no privacy and it's extremely uncomfortable especially the fact that the downstairs master bedroom door is opposite the entrance. So you first have to look out of your room to see if anyone is on the stairs and then quickly go to the lower part across the hall. If you have small children they will not be able to get to their parents. Master bedroom is very large and has a very nice view with a modern bathroom. The middle room (which was probably the dining room that got a bed) gives access to the kitchen and with grown up family in the middle room you have to wait until they get up to make coffee. The kitchen was a nightmare, it's divided into 2 and adequate but both parts lead into 2 bathrooms. If I cook on the stove I can step back and flush the toilet. In the second part, I can put dishes in the sink, step back and flush the toilet. It was incredibly, bitterly bad. The braai/small well can only be reached from the 3rd room. So you have to walk through the room all the time to the braai and back and if you want to go to the dining room table you have to walk through 2 rooms to get to the dining room table. Middle "room" was probably the dining room and doesn't work with grown children. No privacy. It said 3 rooms and I repeatedly asked were there 3 rooms because I have adult children who like their privacy and even the owner said yes. But there are actually only 2 rooms. 1 room separate from lower part across the hall and 1 room at the very back because the middle one is actually the dining room and has absolutely no privacy. For the price we paid it was not worth it at all. If we had known the layout - kitchen, bathrooms, middle room, barbecue, (actually just a small pit), master bedroom separate, we would never have taken it and not paid so much money. Photos were as advertised on the web, yes, but they were taken very deceptively, because we asked for 3 rooms precisely because of privacy and the middle room/dining room has no privacy. You have to walk through the room to get to the kitchen or braai. Very unhappy with home. The view and proximity to the beach was fantastic.

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Hetmarie V - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Hetmarie V
Large group

Heerlike ruim en gerieflike huis, ideaal vir familie en lekker kuiers. Pragtige uitsig.

Volledig toegerus. Sal wifi aanbeveel vir gaste.

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Lovely spacious and comfortable house, ideal for family and nice visits. Beautiful view.

Fully equipped. Will recommend wifi to guests.

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From R5 000
R5 000 R4 000
per night (sleeps 8)
From R5 000
R5 000 R4 000
per night (sleeps 8)
From R5 000
R5 000 R4 000
per night (sleeps 8)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 15 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 19 Nutans Street, Dana Bay, 6500, Western Cape,format,compress&q=80 was R5 000 nowFrom R4 000 per night (sleeps 8) 2 5 1 4 19 Nutans Street Dana Bay 6500 Western Cape 021 201 8900 14:00-19:00 10:00 -34.205217 22.037564